Back then the farm family was really a mini food processing industry. Every member helped out when livestock was butchered, processing the meat and rendering lard for baking and frying foods. Women and children usually raised the chickens: gathering the eggs, nurturing baby chicks, and dressing the fryers.  I do remember the chicken butchering. We would butcher probably 100 chickens a year. Mother would do 25 at a time. My father would -- it was a family type thing. My dad would take care of the butchering, and mother and us girls would help cut up. That wasn't a very fun job. I was supposed to go out and get the eggs, but I didn't like that because some of them were sitting hens and they would peck at me. So I'd come in and say, "I can't get those eggs under that hen." [ narrator ] Most of the time young girls helped their mothers with housework: cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. However, if a farm family had only girls, then they would be expected to spend a lot of time helping their fathers with chores and with fieldwork. I always said I look like my mother but I'm daddy's girl. And I did follow him. I drove tractor for him. Where my sister had to help milk, I had to help with the fieldwork and driving tractor. I went with him for years on the threshing crew. We had about 10, 12 places we had to thresh and it was fun. Pete's camera caught Patty Doak playing in a wagonload of her father's soybeans. She was always tagging along when he worked outside. I would take cookies or cake, whatever mother had baked that morning. Then I would take a couple of rounds while he was either planting or cultivating, and we would share the coffee and treats together. I really thought I was doing something special for my dad.