Well forget the pumpkins…take a look outside and you'll see vibrant oranges, reds and yellows, as we hit peak fall color here in Ohio. National Geographic magazine even calls Holmes County, Ohio one of the top ten places in the world to see fall color.

So lace up your hiking boots as we explore Ohio’s fall foliage…and just so you know, that's just a fancy word for leaves!

Nature's paintbrushes have been working extra hard here in the buckeye state, as green leaves are no more and we're seeing lots of color all around us. According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, nearly all of Ohio is in the peak color faze. There are even maps and reports that show which areas of the state are experiencing the best color.

Typically, we experience peak fall color, which just means the most dynamic color, a little earlier in October. But with plenty of rain this year and moderate temperatures, leaves were able to hold their colors a little longer.

So, what's the deal? How do leaves go from green to yellow or orange? Or that great red? Four main chemicals are responsible for the color combinations as we transition into the end of autumn. So bravo, chlorophyll, carotene, anthocyanins and carotenoids. I tip my hat to you!

So whether it's hiking, kicking a soccer ball around…or maybe you know, my personal favorite enjoying the beautiful colors from my porch with my sidekick NewsCat, get outside and take advantage of the fall season.