Today we visited the archery range.

Archery is a sport where you take a bow like this, put an arrow on it and you shoot the arrows at targets.


It's a sport because it's all about aim and it's all about how we use the bow and arrow.


You have the arrow head, the shaft, these are called the fletchings. These are what keep your arrow going straight.

Each color on the target is a certain number of points. Yellow, right and direct yellow is 10 points and it goes 9, 8, 7, 6 and so on and so forth.

There's a lot of rules when it comes to this sport because archery can be dangerous. We use sharp arrows that fly very fast so safety is very important.

Go ahead and fire when you're ready. There you go.

Right in the center.

In archery you have to be very safe because if you point an arrow at someone it could really hurt them. So you want to make sure you're pointing at the target, not at anyone.


When you hit a bullseye it feels awesome!

You have to practice a lot. It's like if you want to get a bullseye because the first couple of times you might not be able to hit it, but once you have to practice a lot because practice makes perfect and then you can hit a bullseye.