Abby: Art is what happens when we use our imaginations. Art happens when we use materials like clay or paint or chalk or even tiles.

Abby: Art happens when you use tools like scissors, paint brushes or even your own hands. Art happens when you use your body to dance, sing or perform.

Abby: Some grownups call themselves artists because that is their job or their hobby. But do you know who the most amazing artists are in the whole world? Kids like you! Because kids have a far more creative imagination than any grownup. Any time you create a colorful painting, draw with chalk on your sidewalk, sing a beautiful song or dance in the halls, you are being an artist.



Abby: And behind every artist's creation is a story. It could be a story about the artist's ideas or about their day or even about how they feel. That's one reason people love art so much, because they get to tell their story. See this? I made this because I get to hang out with kids today and that is one of my favorite things to do. And it makes me feel awesome.