Isabelle Bringman: Standerdized tests, they make me tence up just thinking about them.


I'm scared if I don't do well I will be held back. I'm also afraid that if more classes are added to the standardized testing groups. But the thing I'm most afraid of is that if I don’t do well they will take away the arts and music classes.I'm Isabelle Bringman an 8th grader at Wheeling Middle School and I'm Mikhari Benjamin an 8th grader at Wheeling Middle School. Standardized testing is a way to gage where students are at what they know but it's also very costly. In some places where the scores are low arts and sports programs are cut to help pay for the test and focus more on raising the scores.


In an interview West Liberty's Director of Community Education program Dr. Miriam Roth Douglas says that if we spend more time on the arts and sports we would indirectly improve standardized testing.




Dr. Miriam Roth Douglas: If we teach the arts or if we spend more time on the arts and sports and all the different areas that are cut. We would indirectly improve in standardized testing. The students get more critical thinking skills they can apply also in standardized testing.




Mikhari Benjamin: Being someone invoked in standardized testing I directly felt the effects


I play the flute and cello and its on an easy thing to do. I had to work hard to play well and I feel like the motivation to well at instrument also goes over into school work. Taking away a chance to be creative and expand your mind a little bit just to be able to jam more information into your brain is not


the answer to bettering scores. In fact I feel like it would do the exact opposite. Some student might not excel at math or language but what dose stimulate them is playing instruments.




1,2 ready go. Music plays




Isabelle Bringman: I'm in band, choir and the school musicals. I love these programs.


I wonder if there should be a different form of assessment like learning music or any thing like that




Mikhari Benjamin: If my opportunity to play music fro free through my school was taking away or any thing like that I believe I would not want to strive to well anymore because I would not have that break in my day to do something that makes me feel good.



