Kids [in unison] Read a good book!


Kid Narrator: Flowers are beautiful. So today, we went to the library to read about how they grow.


Some of the parts of a flower are the roots, the stem, the leaves and of course the colorful petals. We gathered up some art supplies and decided to create a flower garden of our own.


We're making the petals out of pipe cleaners.


I'm not very good at art but it's fun to do.

Kid Narrator: Even though we are doing an art project, we're learning a lot about science too.

The petals attract bees and other pollinators. The stem takes the water from the roots and the leaves to make food for the flower.

Kid Narrator: We also found out that pollinators, like bees, help grow more flowers. Thanks bees!


It's time to show off the pretty flowers we created and share tips on how we made them.

I put black lines on the flowers to make the middle of the flower and black dots in the middle for the seeds.

I did it, I put mine up top and then I taped the petals around and I didn't put any black lines.

Kids [in unison] Ahhhh.

Kids Narrator: Flowers sure are amazing!
