
Abby: Plants are all around us. Trees with bark, branches, leaves and sometimes fruit. Bushes or shrubs with leaves, flowers and sometimes berries. Even the grass we walk and play on is a plant. There are plants that bite, plants that poke, plants that smell, plants that are soft and plants that are beautiful. There are even plants that we eat. Have you ever thought about how plants grow and change? We know that the grass is growing because we have to mow it. We see the flowers change from bud to blossom. And we get to enjoy their beauty. Fruit and vegetables come from all different types of plants and make a nutritious snack.


Plants also give off oxygen into the air through a process called photosynthesis. You and I need to breathe that oxygen to survive. All of that growth and change happens because plants are alive. When a plant gets clean water, rich soil, fresh air and warm sunlight it has everything it needs to grow and be a strong, healthy plant. A world without plants is unimaginable! Let's all work together to keep our environment clean so we all get to enjoy a world full of plants.
